Your product is great and you want to world to get to know of it. You have spent months or even years on product development. Hard work pulled of to get the right product, the one you had in mind. The next step is getting it into production. Sometimes, before production you need to have a large client that can cover the cost. Or you have sufficient funds and started production already. But now it is time for the world to explore and use your products.

This the where we come in. With multiple years of experience and a large network in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe, we are able to give your product the exposure it needs. Besides, we know the people and culture in the Netherlands and Europe. Which comes in handy promoting your product in the right way. You will still handle all the orders and will be responsible for the delivery. We will help you get the customers.

Kenny Consultancy is based in Amsterdam. We have a large network that spreads over multiple industries. From fashion to technology and everything in between. We are your partner.

Please feel free to contact us for more information.